Hi there, I’m Brooke!

A personal stylist + color analyst that guides spirit led, soul led women to help embody their highest and authentic self through style

My Vision for you is to reflect your inner light, what makes you YOU to your outer light by honoring your being and energy

I was born and raised in Japan by my Japanese mom and my Black dad.

Ever since I can remember, I loved clothes! My dream closet was the one from “Hanna Montana” where they had this huge walk-in closet full of clothes, shoes and bags. It was clear from the earlier stage of my life that the fashion and beauty world was something that inspired me. The artistic and creative world was something I was drawn to.

Growing up in Japan because of my appearance, I felt like I didn’t fit in. I felt I was “out of the box” when I wanted to be in the box. This led to my insecurities where I didn’t feel confident in my appearance. And led to my long lasting belief of “I’m not enough”.

It was isolating growing up because I told myself over and over again that “I’m not XYZ enough” which has impacted my relationships, business, friendships, jobs, and more, which I didn’t even realize at the time.

During my college years, I didn’t know what I wanted to become, as many of you can probably relate. I majored in Business Marketing while still not knowing what I wanted to do in life. In my 2nd year of college, I found out about a profession called “personal stylist” and that’s when I knew that this is something I want to do. I felt called to be a stylist so I can help women feel like they are enough, just by being who they are.

After doing some research and learning more personal styling, I decided to invest in courses and certifications to gain my skill and knowledge to be the best personal stylist I can be! After graduating college with my Business Marketing degree, I have made the decision to pursue my dream career where I can inspire and help people through style!

Aww what a cute story huh? No lol because this was just the beginning and still is. I have grown and evolved especially over the last couple of years which led to my discovery of my other favorite subject and interest such as self-discovery, spirituality and mindset. This is where it clicked for me how “wanting to belong” isn’t a bad thing. Human beings literally thrive off connection. But there is a way of doing this by honoring your unique energy, what makes you YOU.

So here I am, this is my story SO FAR. A girl who always was insecure, felt like she wasn’t enough, clothes brought me joy, molded and hid her true self, listened to “This is Me” from Camp Rock and burst into tears, manifested subconsciously situations and things that proved my belief of “I’m not enough”, started styling, wanted more, constantly evolving and changing, finding my role in this world in this time, and now so excited to teach and show all my lessons using the power of style, energy, and manifestation.

I know how exhausting it is to pretend to be someone you’re not. I want you to feel safe and seen. If you even read this far, I know you want more for yourself and I want you to listen to your own desire. You can have more without being more. You can have more just by being.

So now the question is, are you ready to take full ownership of who you are, who you BE? Oh and we will do this by the fun way using style, of course👀